fredag 19 september 2008

A busy day!

( Paying a visit in Booty Bay )

( Fighting the Brewfest speical boss in BRD )

( Guildie with the new mount! )

Today was a funny day at World of Warcraft, first as the picture #1 show's it was the day of pirates, and i'm a medium fan of pirates so i wanted to know what you could do on this special day and found out on that you could get a 12hour pirate costume buff if you went to Booty Bay and had a drink with the Captain DeMeza over there, so i did it at once! Cool buff!
Secondly the Brewfest was out ! So after some normal spam at the trade chat i learned out that you could do a special boss in Black Rock Depths that could drop a new special Kodo Mount. I wanted it as soon as i heard about it, assembled a group and went there, but the #2 picture shows that i got "Barrel'ed" by the boss, meaning i was under crowd-control :). At last, the mount dropped for a guild-mate as the last picture shows! Pretty cool one, Grats to Rezzo!